Closing account of the State Budget chapter – the Ministry of Environment
Press release on completion of the auditing operation No. 05/23
The auditing operation was included in the Annual Audit Plan of the Supreme Audit Office (hereinafter referred to as “SAO”) for the year 2005 under No. 05/23. The auditing operation was managed and the audit conclusion drawn up by Mr. Jan Vedral, Member of the SAO.
The aim of the auditing operation was to apply methods of financial audit in order to examine the accuracy of financial statements, which were the base for the final account of the state budget chapter 315 – The Ministry of Environment 2004. Auditors examined activities that are subject of accounting of the Ministry of Health and which have an influence on the value of tested final balances in the financial statements of this state budget chapter to December 31st, 2004, including related facts in accounting period of years 1997 - 2003.
We can state in compliance with the recommendations of the international auditing standards INTOSAI that the financial statements finalized by the Ministry of Environment on the date 31.12.2004 was not a reliable base for the compilation of the final account of this chapter. All of the ascertained irregularities were aggregated into numeral data reports of the financial account. Total irregularity in the closing account amounts CZK 118 265 410.
The SAO recommends ensuring an accountability assessment of concrete members of staff and adopting preventive measures, in order to avoid recurring of any shortcomings like ascertained ones.