Audit No. 13/24

Funds spent on the project National infrastructure for electronic public procurement (NIPEZ) and purchase of selected commodities via e-market

Management of audit:
Sehoř Karel, Ing.
State of the audit:
Finished and published
Audit conclusion:
Press release:
English / Czech
Criminal complaint:
Notification to tax administrators:
Related audits:
17/24, 15/10, 13/24   

Audited entities:

 Name District
Krajské státní zastupitelství Ústí nad Labem  Ústí nad Labem
Krajský soud v Ústí nad Labem  Ústí nad Labem
Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj  Praha
Ministerstvo spravedlnosti  Praha

Last update: 20.12.2024. Info:

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